Cut-off-Rank List for Dental COMEDK PGET – 2015 notified on 10th February 2016.Read More..
Cut-off-Rank List for Medical COMEDK PGET – 2015 notified on 10th February 2016.Read More..
COMEDK PGET-2016 Counseling process document. Notified on 21/03/2016.Read More..
COMEDK PGET-2016 First Round session wise counseling schedule. Notified on 21/03/2016.Read More..
COMEDK PGET-2016 Availability of Seats and Fees Structure. Notified on 5th April 2016 and Revised on 6th April 2016. Revised again on 11th April 2016.Read More..
Unfilled seats at the end of COMEDK PGET 2016 (DENTAL) 1st Round Counseling -As on 13th April 2016.Read More..
Unfilled seats at the end of COMEDK PGET 2016 (MEDICAL) 1st Round Counseling -As on 13th April 2016.Read More..
2nd Round Counseling Schedule COMEDK PGET 2016 -MEDICAL & DENTAL,Provision for seat surrender and conversion of provisional allotment -Notified on 21st April 2016.Read More..
Surrender Policy and Eligibility Norms for Second and Final Round counseling- COMEDK PGET 2016 -MEDICAL & DENTAL-Notified on 25th April 2016.Read More..
Availaibility of seats for DENTAL- PG Degree/Diploma Courses – Second Round Counselling -COMEDK PGET 2016 -Notified on 17th May 2016.Read More..
Availaibility of seats for MEDICAL- PG Degree/Diploma Courses – Second Round Counselling -COMEDK PGET 2016 -Notified on 17th May 2016.Read More..
Seat allotment details after the end of COMEDK PGET – 2016 Second round Dental Counseling-Notified on 20th May 2016.Read More..
Seat allotment details after the end of COMEDK PGET – 2016 Second round Medical Counseling-Notified on 20th May 2016.Read More..
Vacant seats after the end of COMEDK PGET – 2016 Second round Medical Counseling-Notified on 24th May 2016.Read More..
Vacant seats after the end of COMEDK PGET – 2016 Second round Dental Counseling-Notified on 24th May 2016.Read More..